Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Writing & Not Much More

Well, November has commenced, so had Nanowrimo. I have written 3 pages. I'm behind by 9. But I'm doing it! I broke through the first barrier of actually getting words on paper. I can do it! Also, I will be participating in Kauffman's FastTrac program. My business plan will be completed by the end of this year! Now, all I need is money to buy/rent land and buy equipment, etc. etc. etc. Sigh. It'll happen. I'm not worried. I'm burned out on AFI movies. I need crappy, horrible, comedy movies. We watched Paul Bart: Mall Cop. It was a good break from all the old movies I've been watching. Ok, I wouldn't say it was "good", but it was what my brain needed at the time. Oh! Yes, I can cross off one more. #92: Make bedroom a tranquil sanctuary. Well, for me it is as close as it's going to get to "tranquil" and "sanctuary". Last week we painted it and put up crown molding & new baseboards. We rearranged the furniture AND removed the TV from the bedroom. It's been a lot easier getting to sleep since then. So I'm going to say "Check!"